Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Activity 3 (4/3): JOY

It is a crazy time right now, and it's just not the same not seeing your faces in person.  Being able to connect with you and your families throughout this first week has been amazing though.  I'm so lucky to be your ELD teacher.

Your 3rd activity this week is all about joy, happiness, and excitement.  Of course, there is some cause and effect involved too!

I want to know one thing that has caused or brought you joy this week.  The effect will your joy, happiness, or excitement.  

Here is my video example!  I cannot wait to see yours. 

Enjoy your weekends friends.

Activity 2 (4/2): Write About Yourself

Hello!  Your second activity for the week is an opportunity for you to teach Ms. Espinosa something she might not know about you!  I also want you to tell me 2 things you enjoy doing and why.  

Here is a video example for my kindergarten and first grade friends!

If you are in 2nd, 3rd, or 4th grade, there is an example of my writing at the bottom of your paragraph frame.  Use it to help you in your writing.  

I cannot wait to learn something new about each of you!